Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just a quickie

Hi Readers,

I'm at an internet cafe in Jlem waiting to catch a bus to Tel Aviv, so I only have time to write a quick note. On the way over here, I stopped at a little store to buy snacks-some nuts and crackers. There was only one person in line in front of me, but it still took forever because he disputed the total and insisted that the cashier meticulously go through every item's price. In the end, the cashier's total was right, but the amount in question was about $1 on a $30 purchase. This is the second time I've been in line behind someone who did this, and the second time that the cashier was right.

What else is new? Yesterday we had some mean winds. I think they blew in from the south because the air was dusty, as though someone had clapped two giant erasers together. Now things are clearing and warming up, and billowy clouds are riding low over Jerusalem. On Sunday, the ulpan class is taking a field trip to the supreme court. That should be interesting.

And tomorrow is Kol Zimrah, Jerusalem!

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